Authorities say workers slept on beds without mattresses, ate dirty food, and had to share one bathroom among 31 people ...
A spokesperson for Chinese automaker BYD has objected to reports about poor conditions at a construction site in Brazil where ...
A bridge linking two northern states in Brazil collapsed, sending cars and trucks plunging into the river below. A sulphuric ...
Beijing: A contractor for Chinese EV giant BYD denied on Thursday there were slave like conditions in a Brazil factory, where ...
Perched high atop Corcovado Mountain, the Cristo Redentor, as Brazilians call it, is a postcard not only for the city of Rio ...
A task force led by Brazilian prosecutors says it has rescued 163 Chinese nationals working in “slavery-like” conditions at a ...
"Slavery-like conditions", as defined by Brazilian law, include debt bondage and work that violates human dignity. The MPT ...
根据巴西劳动部发布的 声明 ,超过160名工人在巴西东北部的巴伊亚州被解救。 据称,这些工人身处的环境“有辱人格”,他们的护照和工资被建筑公司扣押。 比亚迪在声明中表示,已与涉事机构断绝合作关系,并承诺将会“全面遵守巴西法律”。
Brazilian authorities ruled to keep four Argentine soccer players in preventive detention on Monday after their alleged ...
Brazil’s central bank stepped into markets again to prop up the real amid a rout sparked by concerns about the sustainability ...
BYD Co. has severed ties with a construction firm after Brazilian authorities halted construction of a new electric-vehicle ...
At least one person died in the collapse, which happened as a city councilman who had complained about the bridge's problems ...