【VRAR星球原创稿件,未经许可禁止转载】国庆假期结束了,在这一周的时间里,有哪些XR领域的消息值得关注?我们现在就来一起盘点一下。01MetaMeta在国庆假期前一周刚刚发布了Meta Quest ...
近日,Meta 首席技术官兼 Reality Labs 负责人安德鲁·博斯沃思,向于 2017 年因政治原因被 Meta 解雇的 Oculus 创始人帕尔默·拉奇公开道歉。这一举动再次引发了人们对八年前那起事件的关注。据悉,帕尔默·拉奇在 2016 ...
【VRAR星球原创稿件,未经许可禁止转载】摘要:2014年VR技术的辉煌时刻。转眼间2024年就要过去了,今年,虽然AI大模型火了一把,但科技圈似乎还缺了点那种让人心跳加速的惊喜。这不禁让人怀念起十年前,那个充满激情的2014年,尤其是VR技术的飞速 ...
十年磨一剑,说的就是Meta进军虚拟现实(VR)领域的经历。十年前,原名Facebook的Meta通过20亿美元收购初创公司Oculus挺进VR,直到上月发布首款增强显示(AR)智能眼镜原型机Orion,似乎才在VR和AR领域站稳了脚跟。上月末的Co ...
在Meta 9月刚刚过去的Connect大会上,扎克伯格发布了一款真正属于未来的眼镜——全息AR眼镜Orion。这是Meta内部保密数年,耗资几十亿美元的大项目,最开始连团队内部都认为造出这款眼镜的概率不到10%。
Are you unable to connect your Oculus Quest 2 device to WiFi? A lot of Quest 2 device users have reported that their Quest 2 headset won’t connect to WiFi. Some users have also reported of being ...
我们将在 校园的Oculus大楼 举办华威一年一度的 全球职业日活动 。今年,人工智能是热门话题,因此我们决定将此次职业日的主题设为“ 人工智能在毕业生就业市场的重要性 ”。
Palmer Luckey, founder of the now Meta-owned Oculus VR, started Anduril back in 2017 to provide weapons and technology for the US military. Luckey is now overseeing the project with Microsoft ...
Is Oculus Air Link not working or responding on your Windows PC? Oculus Air Link allows you to play PC VR games without wires on Quest or Quest 2. However, a lot of users have faced the problem wh ...
These reports and Oculus' public filings are available at www.sec.gov in the United States and www.sedarplus.ca in Canada. To view the source version of this press release, please visit https ...
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Dead Oculus Dead Oculus is a lethal fast-paced bullet-hell where you can brutalize your foes by wielding custom weapons with cataclysmic attachments The ...