元月份,兰州石化公司加工原油74.5万吨,生产乙烯5.48万吨,塑料、橡胶、高标号汽油等其它产品均全面完成产量计划,产 ...
We were somewhere beneath it when its young, impulsive pilot tried to buck a blinding storm in the wild ranges between Hami and Lanchow. The plane radioed a distress message, then vanished ...
兰州人每天早上都要吃这一碗面,一提起兰州,外地人的第一印象也是这一碗面。但是,兰州没有真正考虑过用这一碗面撬动 ...
刚刚召开的市委十四届十次全会,审议通过了《中共兰州市委关于深入学习贯彻习近平总书记视察甘肃、兰州重要讲话重要 ...
Consolation In Mecca. Meanwhile, along Marco Polo’s ancient silk trail, a Red army pressed westward from captured Lanchow, toward the important Yumen oilfields, and the Sinkiang oases.
中国式现代化是全体人民共同富裕的现代化。小康梦、强国梦、中国梦,归根到底是老百姓的“幸福梦”。习近平总书记在 ...