Say you made saving for your kids’ college education a priority, but then grandma swoops in and pays for everything. What happens to the money in their 529 plans? A 529 plan is a tax-advantaged ...
a 529 can even be used for student loan repayment (up to $10,000) under the SECURE Act of 2019. These college savings plans offer tax-deferred growth and tax-free withdrawals when used for ...
On a recent episode of The Ramsey Show, hosts Dr. John Delony and Jade Warshaw addressed a single mom’s dilemma about saving ...
The cost of college is rising year after year with the cost of tuition at public 4 year institutions increasing almost 37 ...
Last week my daughter passed a milestone in life when she bought her first car. Long time readers will recall I started her ...
Many parents open 529s for their children when they are born; they have no way of knowing whether their kids will earn a ...
There's over $500 billion invested in 529 college saving plans across 17 million accounts. Find out more key 529 statistics here.
Say you made saving for your kids’ college education a priority, but then grandma swoops in and pays for everything. What happens to the money in their 529 plans? Famed economist Larry Summers issues ...