Uzbekistan-based cargo airline My Freighter has expanded its fleet with a sixth Boeing 767-300 freighter. The airline's ...
In the notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM), the FAA proposed to replace the insulation blankets since the condition, if not ...
The new aircraft will significantly enhance Challenge Group’s capacity and frequency, addressing rising demand for perishable ...
中新网沈阳11月17日电 (记者 韩宏)11月17日下午,加拿大货运航空公司的波音767-300F全货机满载45吨跨境电商货物从沈阳启程,飞往温哥华国际机场。
人民网沈阳11月18日电 (王斯文)11月17日下午,随着巨大的飞机轰鸣声,一架加拿大货运航空公司的波音767—300f全货机满载货物从沈阳桃仙国际机场 ...
Authorities at Vancouver International Airport (YVR) have finally cleared the damaged Amazon Prime Air Boeing 767-300F from the North Runway. This development follows the aircraft's runway overrun ...
观点网讯:11月17日,加拿大货运航空公司的波音767-300F全货机满载45吨跨境电商货物从沈阳启程,飞往温哥华国际机场,标志着“沈阳—温哥华”跨境电商全货机新航线正式开通。这一新航线是境外货运航司首次在沈阳开通的全货机跨境电商航线,同时可联程至洛杉矶,对深化北美地区航空货运战略布局、筑强沈阳东北亚航空货运枢纽地位具有重要意义。 此次开通的“沈阳—温哥华”跨境电商全货机新航线,将进一步织密沈阳现 ...
This carrier stands out as the world's largest 767 operator, with 137 767-300F aircraft in service according to Airfleets. Other large-scale cargo 767 fleets include those of UPS, which flies 80 ...