The Airbus Beluga — or Airbus A300-600ST Beluga — is another enormous aircraft. Used to transport works of art, humanitarian ...
Kolkata: For the first time, the Kolkata Airport has accommodated the biggest Airbus Beluga series aircraft: Beluga XL.
“For the first time, Kolkata’s NSCBI Airport welcomed the Airbus BelugaXL, the largest in its series, carrying essential ...
Airbus A-300-600ST Super Transport also known as Beluga Airbus takes off from Kolkata Airport today after a crew rest stop ...
10月10日凌晨,从法国图卢兹起飞的空客“超级大白鲸”(Beluga XL)货机在天津滨海机场降落。这是“超级大白鲸”首次来到中国执行任务。
昨天凌晨,世界最大货机之一、空中客车“超级大白鲸”(BelugaXL)运输机装载着有关飞机部件货物顺利飞抵天津滨海机场。这不仅是“超级大白鲸”运输机首次造访中国,也是其首次执行欧洲以外的运输任务。天津机场边检站采取周密措施,高效保障飞机及机组人员快捷 ...
快科技9月4日消息,据空中客车官方,9月1日凌晨,一架空中客车“大白鲸”运输机(A300-600ST)降落在青岛胶东国际机场,运输机上搭载的两架H175 ...
The first was the 3901, a terrific gun based on the 390. Now Beretta offers the A300 Outlander, which is basically a 391 listing for well under $1000, as well as an A350, a lower-priced version of ...
Due to the aircraft’s size and requirements, the Kolkata International Airport was reportedly the only suitable location in ...
10月10日凌晨,空客“超级大白鲸” (BelugaXL)运输机顺利飞抵天津滨海国际机场,这是“超级大白鲸”运输机首次造访中国,也是其首次执行欧洲以外的运输任务。 (空客中国 供图) ...
近年来,凭借充足的保障资源和高效的保障能力,天津滨海机场陆续保障了全球最大运输机安 225、最大客机 A380、全球最大螺旋桨飞机安 22、波音系列最大全货机波音 747-8F 等多架次世界大型运输机在津起降。自 2008 ...