The death of Emperor Yohannes IV during the war with the Sudanese army ... and machine guns to advance into Adwa. In response, on March 1, 1896, (Ethiopian calendar, Yekatit 23, 1888 (also known ...
Addis Ababa February 29/2024 (ENA) The victory of Adwa was a mark of Ethiopia's bright history in which Ethiopians became pioneers for the freedom of Africans and blacks by bringing into action ...
Ethiopia's impetus for Pan-Africanism, inspired by the victory of Adwa, was realized not by words but practice, he noted. The president also said that Ethiopia is a spirit, captivating all black ...
More than 200 people have starved to death since July in Edaga Arbi town, in Ethiopia's drought-hit and war-scarred Tigray region, local authorities say. Another 16 have died in nearby Adwa town.
The Tigray region is currently mired in political turmoil, driven by a deepening rift within the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) between the faction led by veteran leader Debretsion ...