Employees at a supermarket in Akita, Japan, were forced to evacuate when an Asian bear entered the store. The animal attacked a 47-year-old deli worker, injuring him on the head and face.
Between 9 and 9:30 that morning, police received calls about bear attacks around Akita’s Araya-Minamihamamachi and Araya-Kotobukimachi districts, near the mouth of the Omonogawa river.
AKITA—A bizarre standoff between police and a marauding bear holed up in a supermarket here finally ended with the animal’s capture on Dec. 2, two days after it broke in and mauled an employee.
In the early morning of May 24, a 68-year-old woman was attacked by a 1-meter-long bear in a mountainous forest area in Akita Prefecture ... allows for the use of hunting rifles against bears ...
Another prefecture that struggles with bear attacks is Akita, which had 70 people injured ... after brown bears come out of hibernation, and actively hunt them. This is just the latest twist ...
Different cuts of local black bear ... Akita prefecture reportedly sells 10-15 packs a week of meat from bears killed in nearby mountains by local hunters. It runs out of stock if the hunting ...