Ants are common insects, but they have some unique capabilities—including their legendary communication skills that allow their colonies to function as superorganisms. Invasive ant species are ...
There are over one hundred trillion ants on earth, approximately 14,000 ants for every human. If you weighed every human and all the ants, the scales would balance. The resin of conifer trees ...
The engineering and defensive skills of red wood ants help the endangered species transcend its small stature in the natural world.
Edward O. Wilson / Liveright / 240 pages Tales from the Ant World, by famed naturalist E. O. Wilson, is full of interesting, absorbable facts about ants (at the time of writing 15,438 species had been ...
Uncover the surprising world of ant behavior and memory. Discover how tiny ant brains can hold lasting grudges against rival colonies.
Covering significant parts of North America, Europe, Asia and Australia, this “megacolony” of Argentine ants is the largest collaborative unit ever recorded among animals. Argentine ants from ...