The show is the longest running children's animated television series in US history Arthur, the beloved 90s children's television show is set to come to an end after 25 years. The show ...
Now on its 22nd series, Arthur is produced by American public-service broadcaster PBS, known for its educational children's broadcasts, and is currently broadcast on CBBC daily at 0700.
Dust off your yellow sweater, blue jeans, and wide circle glasses. Oh, don't forget your ears. The post Arthur the Aardvark ...
ARTHUR Gourounlian has shared the “cutest” snap of his daughters in matching festive pyjamas that left fans gushing.
Brown continued: “I think that [aspect of humanity] makes Arthur very relatable, and I think that kids trust Arthur. I think they look at Arthur to see how he solves problems and deals with diff ...
The children of murdered Papakura man Arthur Easton have spoken out for the first time to plead for people with information about the killing of their father 39 years ago to come forward. Easton’s ...