The show is the longest running children's animated television series in US history Arthur, the beloved 90s children's television show is set to come to an end after 25 years. The show ...
A full overview of all adventure games released in the Arthur’s Knights Series. These can be episodes, remakes/remasters or sequels, created by either one or several companies. As long as the IP is ...
Sinem tells Michael he should do something in return for all the help Arthur has been giving him in writing his father's biography, so he decides to show him how the internet could help in his search ...
Much to everyone's surprise, including his own, Arthur gets a part in a radio play. Meanwhile Michael finds house sitting for Arthur is a dangerous thing to do. Much to everyone's surprise - including ...
Arthur! And the Square Knights of the Round Table was an Australian animated series based on the legend of King Arthur of Camelot. The series was produced from 1966 to 1968 and written by ...
RTE star Arthur Gourounlian has shared his excitement ahead of a brand new series of Dancing With The Stars. The famous dancer will be back on screens next Sunday, January 5, for the highly ...