电动垂直起降(eVTOL)飞机行业,在经过漫长的技术酝酿、概念验证及密集测试后,似乎正逐步揭开其神秘面纱,准备迎接公众的目光。究竟哪个国家会率先引领这场空中出行革命,目前仍悬而未决。然而,中东地区的一些国家,如迪拜、阿布扎比及沙特阿拉伯,已经向eVT ...
Beta Technologies Vermont-based electric VTOL manufacturer. BEta's ARIA is a transitioning eVTOL with four vertical props, a wing and a pusher prop for horizontal flight. It claims impressive ...
Vermont-based Beta Technologies has solidified its position as a frontrunner in the electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) industry by achieving a historic milestone: the first successful ...
Beta and NZAAS will jointly develop an aeromedical cabin design for the Alia eVTOL. Credit: Beta Technologies Beta Technologies has added a second customer in New Zealand for its Alia electric ...
Composite materials are being successfully adopted for certification and low initial rate production (LRIP) in eVTOL aircraft variants today. As demand for eVTOL grows, vehicle build rates will ...
From 2028, New Zealand Air Ambulance Service (NZAAS) will have an eVTOL aircraft manufactured by Beta Technologies, an electric aerospace company based in Burlington, Vermont, in the United States.