National Geographic's acclaimed series, Genius, is set to delve into the pivotal lives of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X in its upcoming fourth season. Premiering on February 1st at 9pm ...
This gingerbread cake — with a swoop of molasses frosting — is rich and complex in flavor. It’s also a snap to make.
Malcolm X’s wife, Betty Shabazz, the plaintiffs, “and their entire family have suffered the pain of the unknown” for decades, the lawsuit states. “They did not know who murdered Malcolm X ...
As the lawsuit reads, the Shabazz family, including Malcolm’s widow, Betty Shabazz, has endured the pain of not knowing who was behind the plot to take his life — nor why they did it.
Malcolm X's widow, Betty Shabazz, the plaintiffs, "and their entire family have suffered the pain of the unknown" for decades, the lawsuit says. "They did not know who murdered Malcolm X ...
From the outside, Betty Shabazz International Charter School looks ordinary, an unassuming red brick building with sturdy doors on a quiet street on Chicago's South Side. Go inside the K-8 school, ...
His pregnant wife, Betty Shabazz, and four daughters were in the front row. He was shot 21 times in the attack. The suit, brought by Ilyasah Shabazz, Malcolm X’s daughter, alongside other family ...
Marcus Gardley has written 5 shows including On the Levee (Bookwriter), Desire (Writer), X: Or, Betty Shabazz v. the Nation (Playwright), The House That Will Not Stand (Playwright), black odyssey ...