Veteran Bhojpuri actor Vijay Khare, widely known for his portrayal of Gabbar Singh, passed away at 4 a.m. on December 15 at Kauvery Hospital, Bengaluru. He had been unwell for some time ...
Bhojpuri actress Akshara Singh received a threatening call demanding Rs 50 lakh ransom. The caller warned of dire consequences if the money wasn't paid within two days. Akshara's legal advisor ...
In an upsetting news, Bhojpuri veteran actor Vijay Khare passed at 4 am today (December 15). Know as Gabbar Singh in the Bhojpuri film industry, he had been unwell for some time and was receiving ...
Renowned Bhojpuri actor Vijay Khare, best known for his iconic role as Gabbar Singh, tragically passed away today, December 15, at 4 AM. A respected figure in the Bhojpuri film industry ...
File image of Bhojpuri actor and politician Ravi Kishan. He shared his experiences with the casting couch, India’s official Oscar entry Laapataa Ladies, and his struggles in the movie industry.