The smallness of God in the Eucharist and in the manger is a scandal. The all-powerful One becomes so small that he can be ...
Through that most ardent love, with which Thou instituted this Divine Sacrament, deliver us, O Lord. Through the most precious Blood, which Thou hast left for us upon the altar, deliver us ...
I commend to you the souls in purgatory, particularly those who were most devoted to the Most Blessed Sacrament and to the Blessed Virgin Mary; and I also commend to you all poor sinners.
A font is usually located near the entrance of a church, as this is where the first sacrament ... The altar is a table upon which the bread and wine are blessed to become the body and blood ...
At first, it appeared construction was the cause as scaffolding was near the altar and there was work ... There is also a Blessed Sacrament that symbolizes Jesus and comes out during communion.