Australian cartoon series Bluey is to be adapted into a feature film. The programme which follows the adventures of the loveable, inexhaustible, blue heeler dog, who lives with her mum ...
slated to follow the life of the popular blue heeler pup Bluey and her younger sister Bingo of a cartoon Australian dog family, for a 2027 release date. The show originally aired in Australia ...
We've put together some of our favourite relatable moments from everyone's favourite cartoon dog dad, Bandit! Does the special father figure in your life remind you of Bluey's dad Bandit sometimes?
Pranksters targeted a village’s statue once again by turning the memorial into Bluey the cartoon dog. The statue of Lord John Scott in Dunchurch, Warwickshire, has been a regular target for ...
Emmy and Bafta-winning children's TV series Bluey is to be adapted for a feature-length film made by Disney and BBC Studios. The film is set to be released in cinemas in 2027 before later ...
BBC Studios and The Walt Disney Company have confirmed that the hit Australian cartoon series is getting the big screen treatment. Bluey follows the adventures of a six-year-old Blue Heeler dog ...