A movie based on the popular children’s animated series “Bluey” is headed to theaters. An announcement was made Tuesday on social media with BBC Studios, Disney, Disney+ and ABC tagged.
"Bluey" is headed to the big screen for the first time. "I've always thought 'Bluey' deserved a theatrical movie. I want this to be an experiential event for the whole family to enjoy together ...
Few details have been released regarding what Mum, Dad, Bingo, and Bluey will be getting up to in the film. However, we do know that the Bluey movie will feature the voices of series regulars ...
Bluey fans can rejoice, with the popular television show set to hit the big screen for a feature film. The Australian children’s show follows the titular character and her family - father Bandit ...
Walt Disney Co. and BBC Studios are teaming up to bring kids — and their parents — an extremely “Bluey” movie. The popular animated series created by Joe Brumm will get the movie treatment ...
“Bluey,” the critically acclaimed and wildly popular children’s show about a family of Australian dogs, will make its theatrical debut in 2027, BBC Studios and Disney announced Tuesday. The ...
Let's go to the movies ... with the Heeler family! The first-ever animated feature film for “Bluey” will land in theaters in 2027, BBC Studios and The Walt Disney Company announced.