1993年发布的经典第一人称射击游戏《Doom》不仅重新定义了游戏的边界,还在玩家社区中催生出无数的文化现象。其中,名为“Doomrunningoneverything”(DROE)的挑战鼓励玩家尝试在任何带屏幕的设备上游玩这款游戏。如今,这个颇具怀旧色彩的游戏被重新赋予了意义——开发者兼CEO Guillermo Rauch ...
尽管将《DOOM》作为 CAPTCHA 的创意并非首次出现,但这一项目仍然迅速登上了开发者社区 Hacker News ...
1993 年发布的 FPS 游戏《Doom》衍生出了名为 Doom running on everything(DROE)的文化现象,尝试在任何有屏幕的东西上运行这款游戏。现在开发者兼 CEO Guillermo Rauch 将 Doom 变成了可玩的 CAPTCHA 以区分机器人和人类。基于 Doom 的 CAPTCHA 是至今最难的 CAPTCHA ...
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Explained: What is CAPTCHA?
By Divya Chandra You may have come across a simple CAPTCHA test while accessing a particular website. For example, when you ...
Vercel CEO Guillermo Rauch built a DOOM captcha that requires you to finish off three bad guys in Nightmare mode to prove ...
Prove you're not a robot by playing Doom. Proving you're human with a CAPTCHA test has never been more fun. Frontend ...
近日,一种前所未有的CAPTCHA验证方式在网络上引发了热议。CAPTCHA,这一旨在区分人类与自动化程序访问者的技术,通常以图像识别、字符输入等形式出现。然而,Vercel公司的首席执行官吉列尔莫·劳赫却打破常规,利用自家AI网站生成器,设计了一款 ...
When you visit a webpage, you might see a CAPTCHA to make sure you’re a real person and not a bot. These usually involve jumbled words, some recognizable images or just a box that says ...
A high school in Germany has become the first to host a humanoid robot as a teacher, with Captcha the Robot carrying out a day of lectures.
A Doom CAPTCHA swaps puzzles for first-person blasting in the iconic game, allowing players to kill demons to unlock web access.
Completely Automated Public Turing tests to tell Computers and Humans Apart have been frustrating internet users for years.