Compared with CpG alone or CpG conjugated to random-sequence ... combined with the silencing of different genes, to manipulate the immune response in different cancers and infectious diseases.
A research team has revealed a previously unknown mechanism that triggers an inflammatory immune response in cells when their DNA is damaged. This discovery deepens the understanding of a new type of ...
Adenosine deaminase 2 (ADA2) has been identified as a regulator of toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) activation in response to nucleic acids, according to a recent study.
Each participant received either HepB-CpG or HepB-alum ... to provide general stimulation to the immune system's ability to mount an antibody response. The United States Food and Drug ...
The authors have used three sets of molecules to investigate the efficacy of hu CD206-targeted immune response ... presence of CpG (as evidenced by Elispot technique, IFN-γ responses were ...
CpG oligonucleotides bind and activate Toll ... Dendritic cells activate the immune response and help tailor it to the type of microbe—whether virus, bacterium or parasite.
Effects of CpG DNA on cellular inflammatory response. CpG DNA interacts with a wide array of inflammatory cells, including monocyte/macrophage/dendritic cells, B-cells, and NK cells. It induces ...
Each participant received either HepB-CpG or HepB-alum ... to provide general stimulation to the immune system's ability to mount an antibody response. The United States Food and Drug ...