CRISPR-Cas9 is a precision genome editing technology ... be scaled up for genome-wide screening using individually cloned sgRNA libraries, allowing rapid, specific and efficient analysis.
Starting the repair The CRISPR-Cas9 molecular complex, also known as genetic scissors, is the most widely used tool by scientists around the world. It cuts the double-stranded DNA at the exact ...
With AI taking more and more space in biotech, CRISPR stands out as one of the most promising avenues for AI integration.
University of California, Berkeley biochemist Jennifer Doudna won the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry alongside Emmanuelle ...
面对传统CRISPR基因筛选在体内模型中的瓶颈效应和数据噪声问题,研究人员开发出了这种创新技术——CRISPR-StAR(Stochastic Activation by ...
自诞生以来,CRISPR-Cas9这把"基因魔剪"虽然掀起了生命科学研究的革命性浪潮。然而,面对那些"油盐不进"的难转染细胞,特别是原代免疫细胞,这把基因魔剪却常常无处施展。现在,这个难题终于迎来突破性解决方案!西湖凝聚体携手西湖大学研究团队重磅推出 ...
image: 报告RNA富集的双sgRNA核蛋白(reporter RNA enriched dual-sgRNA/CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoproteins, RE-DSRNP)高效编辑技术体系由双sgRNA编辑系统和报告RNA富集的核糖 ...
Recent research published in the journal Science Bulletin detailed the creation of a tool called ChCas12b that can accurately edit genomes and identify single-base mutations. The research team of ...
博生物自主开发的riboEDIT™ CRISPR-Cas9体系是采用天然复合物系统(crRNA和tracrRNA)进行基因编辑。 锐博提供基于Cas9 mRNA的全RNA体系和基于Cas9蛋白的RNP体系,tracrRNA可实现大规模合成,靶向DNA目的 ...