A peace lily is a popular houseplant that can add a touch of elegance to any room. However, if you notice the leaves of your ...
The peace lily is a beautiful houseplant with its white petals standing tall above glossy green leaves - but an unhappy plant ...
Learning how to care for a peace lily is easy with the right know-how. In fact, their unfussy nature is one of the reasons they're so popular with new and experienced plant parents alike.
To prevent drowning your peace lily, use a chunky potting mix that is fast draining. Be sure your container has a drainage ...
A houseplant expert has shared a simple, yet essential, task that peace lily owners need to carry out to help revive the ...
It can be tricky to get a non-blooming peace lily to flower, but there are lots of ways to encourage the houseplant.
Water them about once a week, letting the top inch of soil dry out between waterings. Too much water can cause root rot, so ...
Peace lilies are considered one of the most popular houseplants. However, they need special care in the winter, so an expert ...
Image Credit: Shutterstock. Probably one of the most beautiful blooming houseplants that happens to also be low-maintenance, ...
YOUR home can feel a bit bare after all of the Christmas decorations are gone. Houseplants are an affordable way to liven ...
On my cluttered kitchen windowsill, there sits a small miracle. No one else would see it that way. Until now, its miraculous ...