PhD students have written that tenure of director Vibha Tandon is marked with persistent verbal abuse, which resulted in a ...
Chemical biology and systems biology have grown and evolved in parallel during the past decade, but the mindsets of the two disciplines remain quite different. As the inevitable intersections ...
Chemical biology education at the graduate level is much more developed. The US National Institutes of Health (NIH)-supported Chemistry Biology Interface Training Grant Program has been successful ...
微生物组科学在过去二十年中取得了显著进展,特别是借助分子工具的快速发展,例如高通量DNA测序技术。这些技术的应用推动了如“人类微生物组计划”(HMP)等项目,使得科学家得以探索微生物的种类和功能。然而,仅仅回答“谁在这里”和“他们在做什么”这两个问题 ...
Almost all living things breathe oxygen to eliminate the excess electrons produced when nutrients are converted into energy.
Saint Louis University's Bachelor of Science in Chemical Biology and Pharmacology is an interdisciplinary degree in which students gain a strong foundation in chemistry, biology and pharmacology. The ...
As a graduate of our program, you will be equipped with cutting-edge technology skills and depth of knowledge required to investigate emerging fundamental and disease-associated questions in biology.
2024年12月31日,北京大学饶毅教授团队和北京大学化学与分子工程学院陈鹏教授课题组合作,在Cell Press细胞出版社旗下期刊Cell Chemical Biology在线发表 ...
In cells, they ensure the transfer of genetic information and regulate the activity of genes. Some even act as catalysts, ...
Complete a bachelor's degree in biology and a master’s degree in chemical biology in five years through Saint Louis University's B.S. in Biology to M.S./M.A. in Chemical Biology Accelerated Program.
多能干细胞具有无限自我更新和分化为生物体所有功能细胞类型的能力,是再生医学领域最关键的“种子细胞”。如何在体外诱导获得人多能干细胞一直是生命科学领域的重要问题。化学重编程技术利用化学小分子组合有效调控细胞命运,可以逆转已分化的体细胞为多能干细胞,为人 ...