TAOYUAN, Taiwan Walking through a quiet lakeside park in Taoyuan city, one comes across 200 statues and busts of the same man – Chiang Kai-shek ... resembling old friends having a conversation.
To register your interest please contact [email protected] providing details of the course you are teaching. When World War II ended Chiang Kai-shek seemed at the height of his power-the ...
Ai-ling was also an active supporter of Chiang Kai-shek's right-wing Kuomintang Party ... She died in New York in 2003 at the ripe old age of 106. Mao famously said of the sisters: "One loved ...
DPP government says more than 760 statues of Chiang, who ruled the island for ... all remaining statues of late president ...
When World War II ended Chiang Kai-shek seemed at the height of his power-the leader of Nationalist China, one of the victorious Allied Powers in 1945 and with the financial backing of the US. Yet ...
Here, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek is standing, sitting ... peace and dialogue with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), its old nemesis. Taiwan, it says, can prosper only when it talks to Beijing.
People hold signs reading “Screw you, low wages” at a banquet hosted by the Alliance of Low-salary Employees at Government ...
HONG KONG -- Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and the Chinese Nationalist Cabinet today fled the mainland of China and established their new seat of government on the island fortress of Formosa.
Dulles' statement was made public in Washington while the secretary was flying home from talks at Taipei, Formosa, with Chiang Kai-shek ... leaders of the four-year-old rebellion.