A recent study has uncovered critical details about the association between anaerobic ciliates and methanogenic archaea, a ...
Focus: The systematics and diversity of free-living ciliates, particularly marine and brackish forms in costal waters We are focusing our research on the systematics and diversity of free-living ...
So, multiple sequenced representatives of the ciliates have joined the ranks of the sequenced apicomplexans; dinoflagellate genome sequences are now required to provide representatives of all ...
We are currently focusing on four aspects of the evolution of eukaryotic microbes: Assembling the Eukaryotic Tree of Life through Analyses of Eukaryotic Microbes Phylogeography of Coastal Choreotrich ...
Ophelia 36:1–109. ———. 1992b. Heterotrophic protists (excl. dino flagellates, loricate choanoflagellates and ciliates). In H. A. Thomsen, ed. Plankton from inner Danish waters: an analysis of the ...
Main reserach interests are the systematics and biodiversity of ciliated protists (ciliates) inlcuding: (1) morphology and morphogenesis; (2) molecular phylogeny; (3) use as bioindicators of water ...
and multicellular body plans (e.g., ciliates and stramenopiles). In general, early-divergent persistent (EDP) lineages are dominated by unicellular species (e.g., prasinophytes in the ...
Diversity of Microbial Symbionts Associated with Invertebrates Symbiodinium spp. are highly diverse and can occur in symbiosis with mollusks, sponges, flatworms, protists, some ciliates, and ...