This process is called dustless blasting. It uses a mixture of water and an abrasive such as recycled glass, silica sand, or coal slag. The mixture gets blasted between 60-150 psi. It cuts through ...
She and her husband live in a home at the foot of one of Dobropillya's many slag heaps. This one is nearly 500 feet high. Her husband, Voldymyr Kuznetsov, is a retired coal miner and as part of ...
Disabled employees sort coal slag abrasive at a training facility in Pottsville, Pennsylvania. June 2024. (Getty/Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post) The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and the White ...
The smelting process left behind slag covering roughly 195 acres – about the size of 147 football fields. EPA said the material would fill more than 160,000 52-foot-long coal cars if the slag ...
Residents were left helpless last Sunday when the slag heap above them gave way following hours of heavy rainfall, bringing with it debris, rocks, and even a tree. The coal tip is rated as ...
After years of conflict, most of eastern Ukraine's mines have been forced to close The coal mines, their steep-sided slag heaps dotting the horizon like dark pyramids, have been a defining feature ...
An Atlantic Richfield/BP contractor recently resumed work that grades, adds a soil cap and seeds black slag on Smelter Hill east of Anaconda. Aesthetic and environmental concerns initiated the effort.