This chapter is an introduction to combinational logic circuits. These are logic circuits where the output(s) depend solely on the input(s). It begins with methods of implementation of logic diagrams ...
Using the previous ideas, combinational logic circuits can be combined using either the first canonical form (sum of products) or the second canonical form (product of sums). However, in this text ...
Overview of computer engineering design. Number systems and Boolean algebra. Logic gates. Design of combinational circuits and simplification. Decoders, multiplexors, adders. Sequential logic and flip ...
Overview of digital logic design. Implementation technologies, timing in combinational and sequential circuits, EDA tools, basic arithmetic units, introduction to simulation and synthesis using ...
Also known as "combinatorial logic," it refers to a digital logic function made of primitive logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, etc.) in which all outputs of the function are directly related to the ...
The output depends on a "sequence" of input values. Contrast with combinational logic. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction requires permission.