DINKs are less prepared for retirement than parents Given their dual-income, no-kids status, DINKs may not feel the urgency or need to plan for the long term. 58% of DINKs have not started making ...
They boast about how awesome their lives are as they are not encumbered by children, referring to themselves as “DINKs”—Dual Income, No Kids. The recent interest in this lifestyle reflects ...
The Johnsons are DINKS, a dual-income couple with no kids. The costs of rearing a child have skyrocketed in recent years, especially as parents get less help from their families and communities.
Your complete guide to America's weird new tribes. Can you spot the difference between an ALICE and a HENRY? Are you too much of a dingus to know your DINKs? Would you ever consider joining the ...
DINKs, SINKs, DINKWADs, and KIPPERs. Modern media has found increasingly creative ways to identify the economy’s millennial power players. Now, companies are finding a way to market to them.