克利加巴林胶囊作为全球首个无需滴定的第三代钙离子通道调节剂,是中国大陆首个获批DPNP适应症的1类新药,且已被纳入新版医保(将于2025年1月1日开始执行),为 DPNP 患者提供了全新的治疗选择。
在半导体技术快速发展的今天,误差校准方法对于提升数字模拟技术的性能至关重要。近日,大唐半导体科技有限公司正式申请了一项名为“一种适用于流水线ADC的误差校准方法”的专利,该专利旨在解决流水线模数转换器(ADC)中的误差校准问题,特别是在数字域实现记忆 ...
Dip Pen Nanolithography ® (DPN ™) is the controlled delivery of material from nanoscale tips to a surface. Its advantages over other lithography techniques include low operating costs ...
Is it a wart? Is it a freckle? Perhaps, but it could also be dermatosis papulosa nigra (DPN), which is a common skin condition where small, fleshy bumps develop on the surface of your skin.
For professionals, families, and frequent travelers, maintaining privacy without compromising convenience is important, but it's also pretty difficult. One option is to invest in a VPN ...