if you were lucky enough to find dark skies on a dark night. But the revelation of recent advances in digital photography is that the dim ribbon of silvery light we see with our naked eyes is ...
The Cranborne Chase National Landscape, near Salisbury, Wiltshire is one of seven international dark sky reserve (IDSR ... farmers and residents to use warm night lighting and canopy covers.
"The certification recognizes the exceptional quality of the park’s night skies as well ... phased project to establish a landscape-level International Dark Sky Sanctuary," according to Dark ...
Death Valley National Park offers some of the best stargazing in America, with DarkSky International having designated it as a Gold Tier Dark Sky Park.
Quantock Hills National Landscape Chair said: "This is our first step to protect our dark skies for our future communities. "The Quantock Hills is a wonderful place to explore the night sky ...
Kloosterhuis considers himself a “dark sky evangelist.” His message: it is dark at night, nature is attuned to that. Artificial light can disrupt the ecosystems. Insects are one example ...