The blue light of the float cabin is very sci-fi, like a Kubrick movie. The water is soupy with Epsom salt, what I imagine amniotic fluid to be. The only sound is my breathing, and because I’m wearing ...
With this in mind, I cannot help but notice the Washington Post’s recent reporting on sensory deprivation. Though the Post counts some of our own masthead as opinion contributors, it is ...
Float rooms or tanks (also known as isolation or sensory deprivation tanks) are plastic pods filled with water and enough Epsom salts so that a person easily floats when lying on his or her back.
Sensory deprivation tanks, or float tanks, as they're commonly called, are dark, soundproof tanks designed to create an environment devoid of sensation. A float tank is usually long enough to lie ...
Enter the idea of sensory deprivation “float tanks.” Sensory deprivation tanks, formally known as flotation-REST (Restricted ...
Float tanks are also called sensory deprivation tanks, and they do just that. They are intended to provide mental and physical therapy. You simply float in about 10 inches of water that contains ...