Power too cheap to meter turned into multi-billion pound bills for safely coping with the challenges posed by many different types of radioactive waste generated by the dismantling of a nuclear ...
The challenge for sustainable energy has brought forth two cutting-edge innovations: green hydrogen production and diamond batteries. These two developments change the way we see energy in the ...
The diamond battery also offers a solution for managing nuclear waste. The carbon-14 used in the batteries is extracted from graphite blocks, which are waste products in nuclear power stations.
Sarah Clark, Director of Tritium Fuel Cycle at UKAEA, said: "Diamond batteries offer a safe, sustainable way to provide continuous microwatt levels of power. They are an emerging technology that use a ...
NDB: Nano Diamond Batteries California-headquartered company that recycles radioactive graphite from nuclear waste into diamond batteries that never need charging, last for decades and provide ...
The carbon-14 used in carbon-14 diamond batteries emits radiation little by little during radioactive decay, and this radiation excites electrons in the surrounding diamonds. The battery captures ...