Disney Animation had a few movies in between "Frozen" and "Frozen II" to develop their animation. Anna's hair was based on programs used to make the hair in "Moana." For "Moana," they developed a ...
Some had their icy hearts thawed by the sequel, but others remained cool about Anna and Elsa's ... on the whole, Frozen 2 "tacks excitingly away from the Disney princess template" and has "an ...
Moana 2's post-credits scene implies that further movies are also on the way. It seems Disney is going all in with Moana's story, just like it did with Elsa and Anna in the Frozen franchise.
Samantha Barks (Elsa, left) and Stephanie McKeon (Anna ... West End froze before Frozen even had a chance to open. The stage adaptation of the ridiculously popular Disney movie had been due ...