Electronic gates operate on two nominal voltages, normally 0 V and 5 V, representing the logic 0 and the logic 1, respectively. The AND gate has two inputs A and B. The output of the gate ...
In addition, these devices don’t use electricity directly, don’t generate electronic signatures ... discusses how to 3D print common logic gates using both macro-scale 3D printing techniques ...
Logic gates have one or two 0 or 1 inputs but only one 0 or 1 output as in the following examples. Transistors make up gates, gates make up circuits, and circuits make up electronic systems.
Electronic logic gates are used extensively in digital systems and are manufactured as integrated circuits (IC's). The basic logic gates are the inverter or NOT gate, the AND gate, and the OR gate, ...
Box 1: Criteria for practical optical logic. The electronic transistor and the logic gates based on it have qualitative features that are crucial for systems of any complexity, but very few ...