Chennai: In a significant feat, researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras on Tuesday released the most detailed 3D high-resolution images of the foetal brain. For the first ...
Chennai: IIT Madras has developed the most detailed, three-dimensional high-resolution images of the foetal brain—a significant landmark in visualising the human brain, its functions and ...
"The foetal head and shoulder breadth have ample space to pass through even the tightest dimensions of the maternal birth canal," she says. It's a different story today, where the size and shape ...
Shape Man, on the left, shows the different feelings trying to "push inside my head" A teenage artist born with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) has published a book of his work to help ...
Not all women avail of a foetal anomaly scan. But why should you get an anomaly scan of your baby and how is it different to a regular ultrasound?