This final installment of the recent Gamera trilogy begins with schoolgirl Ayana discovering a large egg in a cave that, according to legend, houses demons. The egg hatches into a small monster ...
When the military fails to control the situation, Gamera shows up to deal with the ever-evolving space adversary.
Gamera (ガメラ?) is a giant turtle Kaiju (Giant monster) from a series of popular Giant monster films produced by Daiei Motion Picture Company in Japan. Created in 1965 to rival the success of ...
Gamera (ガメラ?) is a giant turtle Kaiju (Giant monster) from a series of popular Giant monster films produced by Daiei Motion Picture Company in Japan. Created in 1965 to rival the success of ...
There are a lot of underrated kaiju movies that flew under the radar at the time of their releases. These are some that are worth watching.