Former India captain MS Dhoni delighted fans with a rare and heartwarming moment as a video of him performing a traditional Pahaadi Garhwali dance with his wife Sakshi in Rishikesh went viral on ...
A video of former India cricket captain M S Dhoni and his wife Sakshi doing a traditional Garhwali dance went viral recently, capturing hearts with a unique and wonderful moment. The cricket icon was ...
This time, it is for a dance video from Mussoorie that has taken the internet by storm. The clip shows Sara and Veer Pahariya grooving to the beats of a traditional garhwali song. FYI: the two ...
The video, which was shared online, shows the two stars dancing together to a lively Garhwali song in front of a Buddhist temple. In the clip, Sara looks stunning in a white saree with floral details, ...