作者丨 Scott Chacon译者丨明知山策划丨 Tina最近,“GitHub 为何能够在众多代码托管平台中脱颖而出”这一问题引发了广泛讨论。多位科技博主和行业观察者对此进行了深入分析,包括 Ping Labs 创始人 Theo Browne 和 ...
在开源软件迅猛发展的今天,PearAI的出现无疑是一个引人注目的案例。这款自称为"开源版Cursor"的AI编程工具,近日获得了知名投资机构Y ...
根据LlamaGroup的声明,此次源代码的开源仅限于“私人用途”。这意味着开发者可以在GitHub平台上进行修改和提交请求,但却不能对非官方的Fork项目进行分发。这一限制虽然是出于保护品牌的考虑,但也相应减少了社区的活跃程度。对于热爱开源文化的开 ...
The open-source release of Winamp, a popular audio player, has gone particularly badly. It has been deleted from GitHub, ...
整理 | 屠敏出品 | CSDN(ID:CSDNnews)使用电脑较早的人,对 Winamp 这款软件或许并不陌生。这个曾被视为装机必备的应用,在其发展至今 27 ...
The Llama Group takes down its Winamp GitHub repository after less than a month amid concerns that it doesn't own all of the ...
Winamp, once an iconic media player, faced another setback after deleting its entire source code from GitHub. This move came after weeks of turbulence following the release of its code for community ...
The owners of WinAmp have just deleted their entire repo one month after uploading the source code to GitHub. Lots of source ...
最近,ByteDance Research 的第二代机器人大模型 —— GR-2,终于放出了官宣视频和技术报告。GR-2 以其卓越的泛化能力和多任务通用性,预示着机器人大模型技术将爆发出巨大潜力和无限可能。