Every city in Greece had a 'patron' god or goddess. People believed patron gods protected them from harm. A Greek coin showing Pegasus and the goddess, Athena. The Greeks thought the gods lived ...
What did Zeus mean to the Greeks? And who was Hera, united with Zeus historically and archetypally as if they were a human pair? C. Kerenyi fills a gap in our knowledge of the religious history of ...
Note that the list assumes that you will devote most of your effort to literary sources. If you wish to devote substantial time to art and archaeology as sources for myth and religion, you may discuss ...
A study of the religion of the Greeks and Romans, approached through both literary and archaeological sources. The course focuses on cult practices and their impacts on the societies of the time. The ...
Ancient Greeks held festivals, sacrifices, games, and religious processions at the site; today it’s a magnet for tourists. PHOTOGRAPH BY VINCENT J. MUSI-ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE OF THE ACROPOLIS ...