With some plants, pruning is optional. This is not true of many fruit trees. Not only must you prune them for fruit ...
Not all trees have the same care requirements, and that's especially true for fruit trees. To get the most bountiful yield, ...
Growing dragon fruit cacti indoors can be a fulfilling hobby for greenthumbs. This tropical beauty, known for its stunning ...
As with all fruit trees, it can be quite disheartening when your damson tree isn't bountiful. This is especially true when ...
Fruit trees. Most types of citrus ripen in the winter and you may be wondering as to when they should be picked. This is a ...
Pick a large, strong pot with good drainage holes at the bottom. It needs room for its big roots! For soil, you want ...
WELL, DAY 10 still has no frost and the mild temperatures are pushing several of your landscape plants to “break dormancy.” ...
Lime trees can grow 15 to 20 feet tall in their native climate, but there are also dwarf varieties ideal for indoor growing.
Winter pruning compensates for breeding of fruit trees which now produce fruit that is too unnaturally abundant and heavy for ...
It’s common for Utah gardeners to grow fruit trees like peaches and apples, but what about nut trees? Here are some options.