The Professor next argues that the further back we go in our studies of archaeology the more distinct do the human races become." Prof. Agassiz has been bearding the lion in his den, we mean the Rev.
Speaking ahead of his new BBC Two series about the Solar System, he says he wants the human race to go further. He says advances being made at some commercial space companies mean there is a ...
Many of the atoms you're made of, from the calcium in your bones to the iron in your blood, were brewed up in the heart of an exploding star billions of years ago.
To claim that AI could "spell the end of the human race" may grab headlines, but the underlying debate over moral and political limitations on the use of intelligent weapons is legitimate ...
Will he be the one that reveals the truth? Let’s hope so." Mark said joining Charles as a human race representative at the alien summit should be tech pioneer Elon Musk – who has made it his ...
One counterintuitive strain of thought has treated this decision as “the worst mistake in the history of the human race,” as the popular author Jared Diamond once put it. The argument largely ...
Selective breeding close selective breedingAn artificial process in which organisms with desired characteristics are chosen as parents for the next generation. or artificial selection is when ...
Months after some odd spores fall from the skies, the ramifications are kept a secret from the general public, including one human who has unknowingly been infested by the parasites these spores ...
no legal right to classify any South African by race," he wrote in a submission to the country's Human Rights Commission. While acknowledging there are still huge imbalances that need to be ...