Keep abreast with the latest news related to Intraocular Lens Implant (IOL) in Cataract Surgery there are 30 news items on Intraocular Lens Implant (IOL) in Cataract Surgery that covers updates ...
The indications for intraocular lens removal can occur during intraocular lens implantation or late postoperatively. These indications can be classified into four major categories: intraocular ...
The first IOL implant was 18 years earlier in 1949 by Sir Harold Ridley in England. The Zeiss OPMI 1 operating microscope was developed in Germany and launched in 1953. The evolution and ...
Background In recent years new models of intraocular lenses are appearing on the market to reduce requirements for additional optical correction. The purpose of this study is to assess visual ...
Falconer Juan Bernabe posted the footage on social media after having surgery on Saturday to implant a penile prosthesis to improve his sexual performance.