The beloved sock puppet Lamb Chop from American television fame has become a top-selling dog toy. Credit...Tony Cenicola/The New York Times Supported by By Alexandra E. Petri Most toys that cross ...
Annemarie Dooling's poodle, Sofia, had one toy she chose above all of them: the Bark Street Journal. Dogs will love this classic Lamb Chops plushie and you'll love the nostalgia factor.
But when Andy Batdorf and his partner gave their senior Yorkie-Maltese mix a soft, miniature lamb wearing a birthday hat, Foxie was different. She played with the squeaky toy gently and even ...
(NewsNation) — Lamb chops aren’t just a meaty delicacy in the U.S.; they’re also a dog’s best friend. America’s most popular dog toy this year has been “Lamb Chop,” a small plush ...