2024 wasn’t the fabled Year of the Linux desktop and, spoiler alert, neither will 2025. Globally, Linux only just breaks the ...
The Comet by Mecha Systems is a modular, Linux-based handheld computer built for hobbyists, engineers, students, artists and ...
Mecha Comet is a modular handheld Linux computer that connects to Raspberry Pi Hats and other snap-on modules. It runs on ...
If you're looking for a Linux distribution with a user-friendly desktop that's also very highly customizable, MX Linux ...
We list the best Linux desktops, to make it simple and easy to better customize your Linux home screen experience. The thought of a desktop environment as a separate entity from the operating ...
With these six different lightweight Linux distributions that can help give old computers new life, you can save some money and the environment by keeping hardware around that cannot run the most ...
The upshot is that Linux users will see a lot of change on the horizon. Since the Raspberry Pi Foundation went public in mid-2024, the future of the successful board computer has been quite uncertain.
Nvidia on Monday took the wraps off new products such as artificial intelligence to better train robots and cars, souped-up ...
The Mecha Comet is made for hackers and makers, running Debian with a custom touch UI and lots of upgradeability.
to make it simple and easy to set up and manage a more advanced firewall for your Linux PC or IT network. A dedicated firewall is the first line of defense when it comes to cybersecurity ...