The WEA321250LPF25CH5ST55 is an active 5th order Chebyshev Low Pass filter, synthesized in a Leapfrog architecture. It has programmable cutoff frequency ranging from 32.5MHz to 1.25GHz with a passband ...
RF low pass filters pass signals from low frequencies and reject signals from high frequencies. Performance specifications include specified frequency, bandwidth, ripple, insertion loss, and voltage ...
It may be a little bit odd to think of this as an anti-aliasing filter because of the low frequency, but the principles are the same — this is a lowpass sampling application. If we’re ...
Signals with frequency above or below the filter’s passband will be attenuated. The band-pass itself is constructed from a high pass and a low pass filter. [Ryan] used simple resistor capacitor ...
Description: Miniature discrete component filters are designed to give optimal performance where small size is critical. Electrical and mechanical requirements for each design are computergenerated, ...