They are especially great in romance films considering the fact that INFPs are some of the most romantic individuals out of ...
在年轻群体里,大火的MBTI成为了当下年轻人的社交名片,成为了交友不可或缺的开场白。“我是i人”、“e人的聚会”、“i人的社交”、“为i做e”.......在娱乐玩梗的成分之外,还是年轻人构建身份认同、抱团取暖的一种方式,也是一种社会标签式表达,比如 ...
The Big Bang Theory characters are definitely strong (and straightforward) personalities - where do they fit with the Myers-Briggs system?
Based on the results of MBTI questionnaires, individuals are classified as one of 16 personality types consisting of combinations of the above—e.g., INFP (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving).
statements like “INFPs cry easily” and “ESFJs are popular in school” are too specific and completely exaggerate the power of the theory. The MBTI isn’t designed to categorise people ...