Although anti-monopoly legislation or anti-business-cycle policies were unknown in Marx's day, such activities were not inconceivable: there was nothing inevitable in the physical sense about Marx ...
In 1845 Marx was ordered to leave Paris because of his revolutionary activities. He settled in Brussels and began organizing and directing a network of revolutionary groups, called Communist ...
This course is available as an outside option to students on other programmes where regulations permit. This course is capped at 2 groups. This course will provide a detailed assessment of Karl Marx’s ...
Saito Kohei says Marx's ideas in his late years tell us ... "This age, Anthropocene, is a geological epoch during which human economic activities are affecting the entire earth, destroying the ...
“According to Marx, workers under capitalism do not recognize the relationship between their labor and the capital that they produce, because they have become ‘alienated’ from the realities of work.
This Valentine's Day, we remember the revolutionary life of Jenny Marx — a socialist and feminist whose own activity, no less than her relationship with Karl, helped to shape the struggles of ...