Can you share some tips? – Advisee to Advisor Flip These resources are pretty helpful in terms of some “don’ts.” For example, never assume that a new graduate student is “ready to go” and does not ...
Mentoring and networking are critical components for success in science. Here the importance and steps required for good mentoring and networking are described.
The McKeen Center offers several ways to get involved with mentoring through our many Student-Led Service Organizations and in partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters. There are two types of ...
For this reason, it's important to find not only a mentor who has experience and knowledge, but also someone you can trust and feel at ease with. To get matched with a mentor, your first step ...
Don't go into a room expecting to find a mentor. Instead, focus on finding interesting people. Mentorship thrives on authentic relationships, not transactional exchanges. Approaching potential ...
The right mentor can catapult your career to the next level. Even Warren Buffett – one of the most famous investors of all time – attributes many of his achievements to his mentor, Benjamin ...
Find your classroom locations, plan out a weekly schedule, put academic deadlines on your radar and tick off your university essentials with 5 mentor tips to help make your first term a breeze. New ...