The good news is, you can change your maths mindset and learn to accept, or even enjoy, maths! Instead of avoiding maths, try setting yourself the challenge of actually tackling an everyday maths ...
MEESHA:You choose to. If you believe you'll never be any good at maths, that means you have a fixed mindset, so you don't even try. MEESHA (CONT):But - you can choose to have a growth mindset instead.
Rishi Sunak has said an "anti-maths mindset" is holding the economy back, as he announced a review of the subject in England. A group of advisers, including mathematicians and business ...
Changing an "anti-maths mindset" was key to boosting long-term economic growth he said, and poor numeracy could be costing "tens of billions a year". For Peter Cherry, who struggled with maths at ...