Meanwhile, there was a rush at the Gyanvapi with Muslims thronging the mosque for ... Committee given a bandh call on Friday after the puja started at the Gyanvapi. Responding to the call ...
“Last year, a Muslim brother paid Rs 50,000 to release the gold and silver jewellery of Goddess Durga that was mortgaged by a puja committee member at Sutahat,” said Das. At Banka Bazaar, Sk ...
Celebrating Diwali is not an uncommon practice among Indian Muslims, though to varying degrees. I was raised with pluralistic values, going to friends’ houses for Holi, Ganesh Puja ...
Muslims in Kadamtala and the adjoining areas in the Hindu-majority North Tripura have traditionally paid subscriptions to Durga Puja celebrations as a sign of harmony between Hindus and Muslims.