This makes it easy to access them back and start working from your left. This is known as Activity History. It collects activities from the PC you are using. It can sync your activities from this ...
Google is turning your Discover and Search history into a personalized bite-sized podcast.
Move to the right side and locate the Activity History tile. When found, click it to expand its menu of options. On the new page that opens, scroll down to uncheck the Store my activity history on ...
Your search history logs the websites you visit and the terms you search for, creating a detailed record of your online ...
Windows 10 users, however, have the ability to disable the “Send my activity history to Microsoft” option in Activity History. But even if that box stays unchecked, apps and browsing data will ...
This service controls Google's ability to track and store your search activity. 4. If you don't want Google to track this, uncheck the box for "Include Chrome history and activity from sites ...